February 22, 2011

Thoughts of a year

Ok I know I get to thinking and then wham--- too much info and too many thoughts running in my head
Lots of things happen in a year,365 days,52 weeks. Some good, some bad, some planned, some not.

Mom got sick March 1st of last year. It was horrible for a few months.  I did not think she would still be here. It all sounded so scary then.  Amazing, she and my daddy just got home from a 10 day trip.

At this time last year it was all prom,graduation and college talk. The thought of all it stressed me out. Exciting but stressful, I could not imagine our home without Blair. One year later we are doing it.I have survived and she has blossomed!
One year ago I weighed my heaviest ever and vowed I would be healthy and never be that size, went on a diet lost 17 pounds, got back in my clothes and one year later I am at that weight plus 5 more!

Last New Years I vowed to see my old friends. I have lunch with maybe two old friends.

We have baby Allie Grace and are expecting little Stella Jo.

Garrett has grown 3 inches and got his drivers license.

One year ago on Valentines I cooked dinner for Garrett and his sweet girlfriend Miranda. She passed away in November one day after her 16th birthday.

I have not been to my inlaws in Gruver in well over a year, I have seen them 3 0r 4 times, just not been to Gruver.
I have had one sale in 2011 that totaled more than what I sold in 2010.

One year ago, Clay had a good job with insurance and great benefits, he was laid off in December.

We celebrated our 21 anniversary and Clay still loves me.

I am almost 45 years old. I  look older, feel a little older and but also feel wiser.

My sweet little Sunday School class has changed and I have all girls this year.

When I look back and I am just so thankful that God is in control. I am so thankful that I put my faith and trust in Him. Good and bad situations come along. I never dreamed a year ago that sweet Miranda would not be alive, I really thought my mom would be gone. Things happen, not always how we think they should and often not as we plan..... but I trust it is in God's time and in His plan.

What will this year bring?

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Aunt Brig. It's so important, I think, to always take time to reflect. Love you.
