January 6, 2011

The Middle

What is that… the middle….I have talked about it before… you know....the middle sweet roll. I was icing the orange danish for Gar just a few minutes ago and looking at that middle roll.  You will never know how many arguments it has caused at my house. Now, it is not a problem, Gar gets what he wants. Anyway, I got to thinking about personalities and our nature.  Do you go for the middle, grabbing your hearts desire first? Do you hold back and let others have first pick and then take the leftovers? Do you give the best piece away? Anyway, thoughts to ponder.
I don’t want to raise middle kind of kids. I think our society is selfish as a whole and we have to teach that is not about me, we have to teach to think about others. Whatever examples you use to get the point across do it. We want to raise kids that don’t just focus on the middle.
As a test I watched Gar. He took the side roll, the middle and then another. I said,  “Oh I wanted the middle and he sat it down without a word…. Then I said no really you take it that was just a test.
I encourage you today to give your middle away. You will be blessed even if the ooey gooey was tempting you, give it away. Someone needs it more than you.
I forgot all about the icing cup disputes…. Today it just sat there. No takers.

Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give than receive.
Matthew 10:8 Freely you have received freely give .


  1. That's so true! Some people will always just take the middle roll without considering whether someone else might have wanted it. Although it's not the worst thing that people are capable of, I think God calls us to be givers, rather than takers. :)

  2. I keep looking for the like button!
