January 25, 2011

Lots of thoughts

Acceptance, wanting to be liked and to fit in.......that is normal isn't it........ no one likes the feeling of rejection or feeling that someone does not like us or does not understand the real us. But it happens, there are going to be people that we do not mesh with, people that rub us the wrong way.  We want the acceptance, the belonging, the understanding..... but we do not always get it.

My mind is full of thoughts the past few days and I may ramble more than ever today.

Blair had roommate issues this past week and ended up changing dorms and roommates. It is all going to work out for her and she is excited. The whole situation has made me think of many things. The above-- on fitting in. Thoughts of how do we deal with conflict, how do we approach difficult situations, how do we handle our emotions, how do we learn to get along, what am I teaching my kids, what attributes am I modeling for them, what examples am I providing.

College is more than just acquiring a four year educational degree. It is an experience and an opportunity to learn many things. It is a place to learn, a place to grow up, a place to try to new things, make independent decisions, a place to make new friends and develop lifelong friendships. A place to develop coping skills, a place to learn to handle conflict, to overcome fears, to learn to live alone, a place to put morals and beliefs to the test, to learn disappointment, to learn to love, to be passionate....... I could go on and on and on. These kids are learning so much more than how to study and I needed to be reminded of this. As a parent, it can be tough to try and respect their decisions. Tough to be able to help guide them in the right direction while at the same time allowing them the freedom to make their own way.

Anyway..... I told you I would ramble.  Mom and I went to see Blair yesterday and she was more stressed than she had let on.  No telling what has been said during this process that is not the truth and this has upset Blair. She may not have handled herself as well as she could have or should have. I know she did not say things she wanted to and she held back and I know she said things she should not have said and did not hold back.  But it is ok, she is learning and growing up, making her own way, charting her course.
So as I have rambled and given all these hodge podge thoughts, you have read all of this and thought what is Brigitte thinking. Anyway..... I told you..... lots of thoughts and lots of rambling.  Being a mom is not easy.

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